MONTE PLATA, Dominican Republic. Jessie Clyde, a student completing he…
READ MORESANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic. From August 11th to the 18th, Dr. A…
READ MOREMONTE PLATA, Dominican Republic, August 18, 2006. Early in the morning…
READ MORESANTA Santa is 65 years old. She is not HIV positive, but has lost two…
READ MORESELENA At five o’clock in the morning, Selena knocked on Susana’s …
READ MOREGISELE, JEANNY, REMY, MARIE Gisele lives with her family just minutes …
READ MOREMARISELA Marisela sat in the BRA’s mobile clinic wearing a little pi…
READ MOREESMERALDA Twenty-four year old Esmeralda Pierre has three beautiful, d…