Ulrick Gaillard

Two years post Haiti’s deadly earthquake, Haitian women in remote border villages economically empowered.

ANSE-A-PITRES, Haiti. – Since the tragic earthquake of January 2010 that killed more than 300,000 people and left 1.2 million homeless, sick and hungry, the Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) concentrated its efforts in Haiti’s most geographically and economically isolated rural areas in Southeastern border communes of Anse-a-Pitres, Thiotte and Grand Gosier. With funding from the

Give The Gift Of Health This Holiday Season!

Can’t find that perfect gift? How about giving the gift of health? The Batey Relief Alliance offers a cost-effective way, away from stores’ hustles, and private into your quiet home environment, to support one of our many life-saving projects, while knowing that your tax-deductible dollar gift will save a precious life. This year, we delivered

USAID y Batey Relief Alliance lanzan Programa sobre Seguridad de Alimentos para Beneficiar a la República Dominicana y a Haití

MONTE PLATA – La Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID) y Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) [Alianza para Ayuda a los Bateyes] lanzaron por quinto año consecutivo el Programa sobre Seguridad de Alimentos a través del cual se distribuirán 243.88 toneladas métricas de alimentos, valorados en RD$35 millones, entre 25,600 personas en

Batey Relief Alliance reaches new milestone at 14th-year anniversary.

NEW YORK. – The Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) celebrates on October 23rd, 2011 14th-year anniversary addressing the socio-economic and health needs for children and their families severely affected by extreme poverty, disease and hunger in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, through health, education, community development and disaster relief programs. “We will also celebrate, proudly, BRA’s

Women Empowered in Border Regions of Haiti

The story of Marceline Limane, founder of FAVAT (Famn Vanyan Nan Tichal) Marceline Limane is no stranger to poverty and hunger. As a single mother of five children, she knows the pain of not having enough to provide for her own family. She now heads an organization called FAVAT (Famn Vanyan Nan Tichal) in Bony,

Tropical Storm Emily headed for quake-devastated Haiti and DR.

ANSE-A-PITRES, Haiti, August 3, 2011. – As tropical storm Emily is heading for Haiti and the Dominican Republic, the Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) is prepared for possible heavy rains and flash floods that could be severely damaging to both countries. In collaboration with US-based NGO, Direct Relief International (DRI) and USAID/Food for Peace/IFRP, BRA has