Ulrick Gaillard

Batey Relief Alliance to study proposal for cholera prevention plan in Haiti/DR border regions

ANSE-A-PITRES, Haiti. – From November 13th through the 21st, a team of seven US-based medical professionals worked at BRA’s adopted medical clinic located in Haiti’s remote border commune of Anse-a-Pitres where they were joined by BRA local providers to deliver life-saving emergency medical attention to the population and to study a comprehensive effort to help


2011 MISSION CALENDAR New York, N.Y. – The Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) is currently recruiting mission groups wishing to carry out five working-day trips to serve impoverished families in immediate need of emergency medical, dental or eye care living in vulnerable sugarcane “batey” rural communities of the Dominican Republic or Haiti’s Southeast border region. BRA

Batey Relief Alliance’s 2009-2010 Annual Report

On this very day of October 23, 2010—the thirteenth-year anniversary of the Batey Relief Alliance (BRA), I am proud to present to you the results of the work we executed from 2009 – 2010 on behalf of thousands of children and their families who are in desperate need in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, more

USDA visita proyecto agropecuario de BRA en RD

PIANTINI, D, N., Rep. Dom., Septiembre 2010. – En bateyes de la provincia Monte Plata, Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) implementa el Proyecto de Desarrollo Agropecuario, financiado por el Ministerio de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA), bajo el Programa Alimentos para el Progreso (Food for Progress). Una comisión de USDA visito el proyecto, con el

USAID’s Food for Peace-International Food Relief Program responds to nutritional needs of DR’s most vulnerable

PIANTINI, Santo Domingo, DR. – Since 2005, the Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) developed a comprehensive HIV/AIDS program, funded by USAID/CONECA, delivering free healthcare, antiretroviral (ARV) treatment and medicines to hundreds of children and adults infected/affected by HIV and AIDS inside impoverished sugar cane batey communities in the province of Monte Plata. The program is implemented

BRA showcased USDA-funded Agricultural Cooperative Initiative in DR at Monte Plata Expo.

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic. – The Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) was invited to exhibit its humanitarian work during a three-day event blitz —called Expo Monte Plata 2010—from August 13-15, organized by the Senatorial office of Charlie Mariotti promoting the province of Monte Plata’s rich agricultural, cultural and eco-touristic values. More than 25,000 attended the event

DR high marked Batey Relief Alliance’s health services reported studies

PIANTINI, Santo Domingo, D.R. – Evaluators from Columbia University School of Social Work and Indiana University Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies and School of Public and Environmental Affairs recently conducted a two-month study to evaluate patient treatment and satisfaction at BRA’s medical center in the province of Monte Plata. Three years earlier, BRA