At five o’clock in the morning, Selena knocked on Susana’s door crying hysterically and begging her to purchase the bag of clothes and sheets she was carrying. The day before, she had tested positive for HIV and didn’t have any money to get to the capital for treatment. Susana brought her inside, made her some hot coffee, and calmed her down. Susana, BRA’s optometrist and a dedicated volunteer in the HIV/AIDS program, had encouraged her to get tested after she confided to Susana that she had Chancroid, a sexually transmitted disease. Selena is a 19 year-old girl who grew up in a batey near Sabana Grande de Boyá. An intelligent, highly motivated young woman, she is close to finishing school at a private academy in Sabana Grande de Boyá where she receives a scholarship. Susana, with her wonderful comforting presence, counseled Selena and talked to her about BRA’s AIDS program. In the past few weeks, the AIDS Patient Fund has paid for Selena to go to the capital for a treatment to cure her Chancroid. Through our partnership with the Clinton Foundation, Selena was able to get a CD4 test at Cinco Casas. Her count was very low and she started treatment immediately. Selena has a very positive attitude. She plans to return to school this fall and has reached out and made friendships with other young people in our program who are also living with HIV/AIDS.